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Team Badminton Tournament

KTP Athletics is proud to be hosting a very unique team badminton tournament. This tournament is one of a kind and is great for athletes of all skill levels to come out for a good time!


How does it work?

The way it works is Team A competes against Team B in a series of 4 matches (Men’s and Ladies’ Doubles and Mixed Doubles), and the team that wins the most matches; in the event of a tie, a 3rd mixed doubles match will be played between two players from a team that have not played together yet in this tie. Teams are made up of two males and two females.


  • Entry Fee:  $160/team (taxes included)

  • Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018

  • Location: École secondaire publique Odyssée, North Bay

  • Prizes:  Cash (amount varies dependant on number of entries)

  • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 13 by 7:00PM

  • Shuttle: Each team will receive one dozen shuttles. In each match-up, each team must provide 1 shuttle to be used. Additional shuttles can be purchased for $3 each or one dozen for $28.


Tournament Rules

  • A team consists of two males and two females. Players may not play on more than one team.

  • Before each matchup, teams must submit the names of their Mixed Team 1 and Mixed Team 2. This allows players to change partners during the tournament. These must be presented to the TO before the matches are called.

  • Match warm-ups are to be no longer than three minutes.

  • Players under the age of 19 must wear protective eye wear at all times.

  • All matches are best 2 of 3 games to 21 points, capped at 30.


All payments must be made by the first day of the tournament.

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